Edibles Guide: The Definitive Guide to Cannabis Edibles
Forget the stale brownie or “space cake” that may come to mind when you think of cannabis edibles. Legalization has allowed for more ways to consume cannabis without smoking than you can imagine.
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Now the category of cannabis edibles includes drinks, pills, savory snacks, and infused kitchen staples like butter and olive oil. Not only are edibles a refined and discrete way of using cannabis, but they are often more potent and the effects last longer than smoking or vaping. So it’s important to start slow, and closely follow dosage guidelines on the packages, especially if you have never tried before or know you have a low tolerance to THC. If you’re looking for product recommendations beyond out guide to cannabis edibles, please visit our website, give us a call, or stop by the store to browse our full range of products. We carry many different kinds of edibles with varying potency to ensure that there’s something for everyone.
What are Edibles?
Edibles are any cannabis product that is consumed by ingestion rather than inhalation. Edibles are most commonly cannabis-infused food products, but can also be beverages or oils. Since the cannabinoids in edibles are incorporated into the bloodstream via the stomach in the digestive process, the effects will take longer to set in (even the fast-acting varieties) but will also last longer than the effects of smoking or vaping.
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Types of Edibles:
There are many different cannabis edible products available in the legal cannabis marketplace and at Farnsworth, but don’t worry, we’ll help you sort through it all. Like picking a strain of flower, much of the decisions around what kind of cannabis edible you choose has to do with potency, cannabinoids, and terpenes. If you want something to help you sleep, for example, you would want a higher dose of THC than if you want something to help you relax in a social situation. The other part of the decision comes down to taste. It is food at the end of the day, and if you don’t like chocolate, you won’t like consuming cannabis-infused chocolate bar, no matter how perfect the cannabinoid ratio. So indulge yourself, and see these cannabis edible options as part of your self-care process.
Feeling Overwhelmed by the Options?
Beverages are liquid edibles, and a great introduction to the category, as most people are probably familiar with the feeling of a buzz after a drink, and they are often available in low-dose formats. Since beverages are digested faster in the stomach than food, infused beverages have a faster onset than other types of edibles.
Baked Goods
Baked goods are the most classic format of edibles, and the one that consumers are probably most familiar with. But with legalization this category extends far beyond the classic brownies and cookies with elevated infused treats like crème brulée.
Hard Candy
Hard candies are great if you are looking for something ultra-discrete. There’s nothing more under-the-radar than an infused mint or other hard candy. The small format is also great for adjustable dosage, since when you want a bigger dose you don’t always want to eat a whole bag of candy or cookies.
Savory Snacks
Savory snacks are seeing a huge rise in popularity, especially in the culinary scene. Many top chefs are interested in using savory cannabis-infused ingredients like butters and olive oils to create elevated dining experiences. Some even go so far as to pair the terpenes with the ingredients in the dish.
Gummies are widely available in the legal cannabis market, and are great for their versatility. Gummies have the biggest variety of flavors to choose from, as well as cannabinoid profiles.
Benefits of Edibles:
Cannabis edibles have all of the benefits of cannabis, without the effects of smoking. Cannabis has been shown to help with reducing nausea, pain, stress, and promoting healthy sleep, among other benefits.
Effects of Cannabis Edibles:
How long they take to kick in
The onset time of cannabis edibles varies based on a variety of conditions such as your tolerance, weight, height, sex, and diet. Typically it is between thirty and sixty minutes.
How long they last
The duration of the high from cannabis edibles can last up to twelve hours, so it is important to experiment with edibles with someone you trust and when you have some free time. If you are worried about long-lasting effects interfering with your responsibilities, you can try a CBD only edible, which does not have intoxicating effects.
Difference between THC-dominant and CBD-dominant edibles
THC dominant edibles will have an overtly intoxicating effect, or high, whereas CBD dominant edibles will not be as noticeable of an effect. The benefits of CBD are more subtle, like relaxation, and anti-inflammatory properties.
CBD only edible, which does not have intoxicating effects.
Different types of effects
Sleepy: Edibles that contain CBD and CBN tend to produce drowsy effects, which is great for those who want some help falling asleep or sleeping through the night.
Sexy: Cannabis generally increases blood flow, which can heighten arousal. Hybrid gummies tend to have pleasure-enhancing effects, but some strains are especially renowned for this.
Focused: Edibles with low-THC content, or that use sativa-dominant strains or distillates, can produce an intense focus effect not commonly associated with cannabis use.
Fun: Many “socially-dosed” edibles, including beverages, have come to market to intended as a social lubricant.
What Are the Best Edibles for Beginners?
The best type of edible for a beginner is a small dose, and low THC ratio. Remember, you can always eat more, but once you consume the edibles, you will not be able to reverse the effects. The biggest dose of edibles legally available in Massachusetts is 5mg, which is already a relatively low dose, but there are even smaller amounts available, like 1mg Zen peppermint mints with a 25:1 CBD to THC ratio.
How to Determine The Right Edible Dosage
The potency of edibles available for sale in Massachusetts is highly regulated, so there are only low dose edibles (up to 5mg of THC) available at the moment. Still, there is a difference between a 1 mg edible and a 5 mg edible, especially for someone who has never tried them. However much you decide to consume is a personal decision, but wait an hour to feel the effects before you increase your edible dosage.
1mg of THC
1mg of THC is considered a “microdose” or a dose so small that it does not have noticeable effects. This is a great option if you are nervous to try something new, or if you want something that will relax you without feeling intoxicated.
5 mg of THC
5mg of THC is still a small dose, but it is not insignificant, especially to someone with a low tolerance. If it is your first time trying a 5mg edible, you should only do so when you are in a calm setting with people you trust.
Alternatives to Edibles
Of course, edibles are not the only way to consume cannabis. Vaporizers, tinctures, and topicals are all discrete as well. But you don’t always need to be discrete, either. Flower isn’t hi-tech, but it’s a tried-and-true method of cannabis consumption.
What Can I Expect to Feel?
As opposed to other methods of cannabis consumption, since edibles do not take effect right away, the feeling is often described as being “sneaky.” This is why we recommend starting with a low dose and waiting an hour before increasing the dose. The way edibles take effect, you can feel nothing for forty-five minutes, and suddenly you feel the full effects without warning. If you want an edible that has a faster onset, try a beverage, or a 1906 Drop–the fastest-acting edible on the market.
Are Edibles Dangerous?
While it is considered impossible to overdose on cannabis, it is possible to dangerously over consume cannabis. There is no set threshold for the over-consumption of cannabis edibles, as it varies from person to person based on tolerance and other biological factors, but this is why we emphasize to incrementally increase dosage when figuring out the right amount for you.
Do Edibles Expire?
Edibles are ultimately a just a cannabis infused food product and will expire just like other food products. The shelf life depends on the type of edible. For example, a brownie will expire more quickly than a mint. Learn more in our blog “Do Edibles Expire?”
Farnsworth Fine Cannabis: Your Go-To for Cannabis Edibles
The cannabis edibles category has expanded a lot since the days of pot brownies and prohibition. Edibles today are available in as wide a variety of foods as they are available in varying ratios of cannabinoids. Still, it is important to find the right option for you, so if you have any questions after reading our guide to cannabis edibles, feel free to reach out or visit the store anytime for further guidance from a professional.