Fast-Acting Cannabis Edibles: Everything You Need to Know


Delayed gratification, they say, is the hallmark of adulting, but one hour to get high is too much delay.

For both first-timers and daily-doers, edibles are one of the most popular ways to consume cannabis. No need to worry about smoke; they are discrete and the dosage is hard to mess up … unless that is they take too long to kick in and then you take more, and then you’ve taken too much, which typically leads to a less than ideal experience. Why can’t edibles do their thing in a normal amount of time? It is has to do with the way the body absorbs THC, but new fast-acting technology has changed the game.

What Are Fast-Acting Cannabis Edibles?

Many brands have stepped up to fill this hole in the traditional edibles market, such as 1906 drops, Cann, and Wana. The fast-acting edibles version of their traditional edibles set in within 20 minutes, so you can take one before a meditation, podcast, or studio time and feel the effects kick in while you’re in full swing of your activity .

Benefits of fast-acting THC edibles vs. traditional edibles

The only major differences between fast-acting THC edibles and traditional edibles are the onset time, which most companies boast is around half of the onset time of a traditional edible. Some brands, such as Wana, have also specifically designed their fast-acting edibles to feel less like an “edible high,” which many people associate with brain-dead couch-locked movie marathons. They want their fast acting edible to feel more like a “smoking high,” which hits harder and fades over time, and is more of a head-y high that will unlock your creativity. But overall, fast-acting edibles still vary by brand, terpenes, and cannabinoid profile.

Farnsworth Recommends: Wana Quick Fast-Acting Gummies

While we have a lot of great brands like 1906 and Cann that provide fast-acting edibles, Wana is the only brand that has designed a fast-acting edible specifically to combat the pains that many consumers feel when using traditional edibles. They created a product that onsets faster, and where the majority of the effects are felt up front, rather than building over time like many regular onset edibles. They’ve also designed the terpene and cannabinoid profiles to provide more of an energized head-high than a relaxed body-high. The comparison they provide is that a regular edible is great for unwinding at home, but if you want to enhance active experiences like parties or exercise, the Wana fast acting gummy will give a better high for those situations. 

Farnsworth recommends Wana for all your fast-acting edible needs. The Wana fast-acting edibles are available in sativa, indica, and hybrid formulas. Wana uses Azuca TiME INFUSION (TM) technology, which allows them to bypass the liver and enter the bloodstream through the stomach. As a result, these gummies will have an onset time of 20 minutes. Wana’s vegan, gluten-free gummies are made with fruit-based pectin, which can withstand Summer temperatures, up to 175 degrees!

Tips for safe and responsible use

Although the effects of fast-onset edibles might not take as long to set in, it is still important to start small and increase the dosage only after waiting the recommended time period (30 min-1 hour). Especially if you are not a habitual edibles consumer. 

If you are still unsure about trying an edible, we recommend starting with a microdose, less than 5mg, since this is virtually harmless so long as you are in a safe environment. The most important safety advice is: do not increase your dosage before you feel any effects, as this is a sure indication that it just hasn’t set in yet, and increasing your dosage could lead to unintentional over-consumption.

And remember, edibles are food products just like anything else, and they do expire eventually. We put together a guide to edibles expiration to help you understand your products, and we offer some advice on how to store the edibles to give them the longest shelf-life possible. Generally, edibles should be stored in a cool, dark, place like a pantry or fridge.

Get Fast-Acting Edibles at Farnsworth Fine Cannabis Today

Fast-acting edibles are just like your favorite edibles but with slightly different effects. If you’re 

sick of being locked on the couch after eating an edible, and would rather have a high that feels more like smoking without the smoke, fast-acting edibles might be right for you. If you are interested in Wana at Farnsworth please visit our website to place an order online, and do not hesitate to reach out if you have any questions. 

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Esther Hershkovits