Best Cannabis Edibles for Energy and Focus


When you’re looking to not just get through, but to breakthrough

The Benefits of Using Cannabis Edibles for Energy and Focus

If your work involves creativity or problem solving, it can be hard to enhance both creativity and productivity. While we’ve spent plenty of time here covering edibles to take for pain relief or a better night’s sleep, there are also plenty of people who seek out cannabis strains for help with creativity, focus, and energy. While the results will of course vary person-to-person, these traits are commonly associated with sativa strains, and the sativa category is very broad. We prefer to denote daytime use or nighttime use when discussing the traits of various strains. 

The best cannabis edibles for focus and energy tend to be felt more in the mind rather than the body. While a sativa dominant strain is what many people think of when referring to edibles for energy, there are actually a multitude of factors that determine the effect of a cannabis strain. Cannabis strains with a high percentage of terpenes such as pinene and limonene. These are the cannabis strains that can help you think creatively and look outside the box for solutions when stuck on a particular creative problem. Some of our edibles even contain small does of caffeine and other medicinal herbs to help boost your energy and focus. But even if you are looking for an alternative to caffeine, we have a wide variety of edibles for daytime use to help promote energy and focus.  

Can Cannabis Edibles Provide Energy and Focus?

As with all cannabis products, there is no confirmed medical evidence that cannabis can help promote energy and focus. However there are many successful people who use cannabis every day to help them stay focused and think creatively (despite popular belief and common stereotypes). The factors that make cannabis strains uplifting or energizing can be hard to pin down, but generally low-CBD cannabis sativa strains with pinene and limonene are categorized for daytime use. This will work best for experienced cannabis users, as high-THC low-CBD cannabis strains tend to have a stronger effect. However, there are plenty of low-THC edibles that have been designed specifically for energy and focus, such as 1906 Go drops

Sativa vs. Indica Edibles: Which Provide Energy and Focus?

Although the common belief is that only cannabis sativa strains can provide energy, the reality is more complex than that. Most strains sold recreationally today are a hybrid of sativa and indica. Though it’s true that dominantly indica, high-THC stains tend to produce a more sedative feeling than sativa dominant, low-THC strains, the true hybrids are harder to pin down. 

Sativa cannabis strains tend to have high pinene, limonene, and beta-caryophyllene terpenes, which are typically associated with mental stimulation and focus. Terpenes are typically thought of as simply compounds that effect smell and taste, but much like how the smell of certain essential oils is relaxing, versus others are energizing, terpenes can make a big difference on the effect of a strain. 

Can Edibles Make You Tired?

Cannabis is a broad umbrella for a variety of products and effects, and there are new cannabis strains nearly every day. There are edibles for sleep, pain, and anxiety, as well as energy and focus. That’s why it’s important to make sure you are getting your products from a reputable source and to consult with an expert if you are still confused. We offer one-on-one consultations free of charge for anyone who still has questions or would like personalized guidance deciding what product is best for their needs. 

Like most substances, dosage also plays a big role in the effects. The rule of thumb with edibles is to go low and slow, which means starting with a small dose and waiting to see the effects before increasing. Nothing will make you less focused or energized than if you over consume and feel dizzy or dehydrated.

How to Get Energy and Focus from Edibles

There are a variety of factors to consider when choosing an edible for energy and focus. THC and CBD content are important to keep in mind and vary based on your experience level as well as physiological factors like height and weight. Terpenes can have a big effect on how your brain processes cannabis, so it is important to pick strains with uplifting terpenes like limonene and pinene.

Farnsworth Recommends: The Best Cannabis Edibles for Energy and Focus


With cannabis products, the most important thing is to find the right product for your needs. Cannabis is not one-size-fits-all, and at Farnsworth we prefer to take a personalized approach to the product selections process. You can always visit our website or blog for more information about edibles. If you still have questions don’t hesitate to reach out or book a one-one-one consultation for personalized recommendations.

Esther Hershkovits